But as for me, I will always have hope...Psalm 71:14

Saturday, August 27, 2011

An Ode to Ice Cream ( and my Daddy)

I love ice cream.  My first job was in an ice cream shop.  $2 an hour and all the ice cream you could eat!  My Momma and Daddy made ice cream.  Momma made a custard base that she cooked in a double boiler and then handed it off to Daddy.  And then the magic would begin. 

Daddy was a Master Ice Cream Freezer.  And if there had been a Master Ice Cream Freezer Association, he would have been President!  He kept his ice cream freezer in the original box it came in, surrounded by balled up newspapers - couldn't take a chance on dinging his most prized possession!

Once the freezer was pulled from it's cardboard cocoon, it was placed in a washtub, used only for the purpose of ice cream making.  Lots of salt ( rock salt only) and ice, a couple of old bath towels and we were on our way! 

Momma would hand over the custard and Daddy would put it in the tall cylinder and then he'd put the dasher in and the top on.  Next was the hand crank.  Yep, he hand cranked the ice cream to perfection.  He knew the feel of "ready to eat".  My poor niece, Debra, was perched on top to hold the freezer steady while Daddy cranked away...telling stories, making us kids laugh...What a sight to behold - washtub, ice cream freezer, towels on top, Debra on top of all of it, and Daddy having the time of his life!

Times have changed.  Daddy's in charge of ice cream making in Heaven now, and I'm sure Momma's making the custard for him.  I've been to Hell and back since they left us.  But one thing's for certain.  Comfort isn't far away when I sit down with a bowl of cold creamy goodness...if I listen real hard, I can hear the sound of the crank handle turning, and kids laughing.....

Banana Ice Cream
(makes 1/2 gallon)

3 Cups Whole Milk
1 14 oz can Sweetened Condensed Milk
3 ripe bananas
1/2 oz pure vanilla extract

The bananas are the most important part of this ice cream.  ( without them, you have a great vanilla recipe)
I keep REAL ripe bananas in the freezer , and I found out that these work the best. 

  1. Freeze the bananas several hours or overnight.  When they thaw, they release a wonderful liquid that really flavors the ice cream.
  2. Heat the bananas over medium low heat until they break down.  Let them cool while the ice cream is making. 
  3. Mix the remaining ingredients together, making sure the SCM blends in completely. 
  4. Freeze according to your ice cream maker's instructions.
  5. About 5 minutes before the ice cream is ready, add the bananas.
  6. When your ice cream is finished, pour it into a freezer safe bowl, making sure the bananas are evenly distributed. 
  7. You can eat it right away, but if you'll be patient, put your ice cream in the freezer, and let it "ripen", it will be worth the wait!

Now I have to offer one serving suggestion.  I love Elvis.  And it's only fitting to serve banana ice cream in an "Elvis Sundae".  Just scoop out your ice cream and serve it with the peanut butter sauce that follows!

Peanut Butter Sauce

1/2 cup peanut butter (smooth or crunchy - your choice)
1/4 milk
3 T agave or honey

Melt peanut butter and milk in microwave and add agave.  That's it!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Recipe: Spicy Tequila

I keep this in the fridge and mix it with Grapefruit juice and Sprite.  Nice.....

  1 750ML bottle Silver Tequila
  1 lime
  1 jalapeno pepper

First, make a drink with just the tequila...then you'll have room in the bottle !
Next slice the lime in quarters.
Then slice the jalapeno in eighths ( the long way so they'll fit in the bottle)

Add the lime and jalapeno to the tequila--that's it!!
The longer it sits, the better it tastes!